Label: Necroharmonic – SLEAZY 036
2 x CD, Compilation
Country: US
Released: Sep 24, 2016
Genre: Rock
Style: Death Metal
Demo # 1 '90
1-1 Intro / Mortician 3:25
1-2 Brutally Mutilated 0:40
1-3 Necrocannibal / Outro 4:47
Rehearsal 12/14/89 Demo
1-4 Mortician 2:39
1-5 Necrocannibal 4:24
1-6 Brutally Mutilated 0:50
Rehearsal 1990
1-7 Necrocannibal / Brutally Mutilated 5:18
Rehearsal 1990
1-8 Hacked Up For Barbecue 3:00
Live At Cheers 1990
1-9 Mortician 2:36
1-10 Brutally Mutilated 1:21
1-11 Necrocannibal 5:17
Live At G Willikers 1990
1-12 Mortal Massacre 3:34
1-13 Drilling For Brains 1:07
1-14 Bloodcraving 3:20
1-15 Brutally Mutilated 0:56
1-16 Necrocannibal 4:38
1-17 Scum 2:55
1-18 Mortician 2:34
Live In Buffalo NY 1990
2-1 Mortician 2:35
2-2 Bloodcraving 3:09
2-3 Drilling For Brains 1:11
2-4 Mortal Massacre 3:39
2-5 Brutally Mutilated 0:56
2-6 Scum 2:44
2-7 Embalmed Alive 1:03
2-8 Necrocannibal 4:47
Live At Day Of Death 1990
2-9 Mortal Massacre 3:52
2-10 Necrocannibal 4:58
2-11 Bloodcraving 3:20
2-12 Drilling For Brains 1:04
2-13 Embalmed Alive 1:06
2-14 Scum 2:42
2-15 Brutally Mutilated 1:02
2-16 Mortician 3:00
Recorded At – Sleepy Hollow Sound
Bass, Vocals – Will Rahmer
Drums – Matt Sicher
Guitar – John McEntee (tracks: 1-1 to 1-3, 1-7, 1-12 to 2-16), Matt Harshner (tracks: 1-4 to 1-6, 1-8 to 1-11)
Photography By [Photos By] – Jeff Wolfe (2)
Tracks 1-1 to 1-3 taken from "Demo # 1 '90," recorded at Sleepy Hollow Sound February 21-22, 1990.
Tracks 1-4 to 1-6 taken from "Rehearsal 12/14/89 Demo"
Tracks 1-7 to 1-8 taken from "Rehearsal 1990"
Tracks 1-9 to 1-11 are "Live At Cheers 1990"
Tracks 1-12 to 1-18 are "Live At G Willikers 1990"
Tracks 2-1 to 2-8 are "Live In Buffalo NY 1990"
Tracks 2-9 to 2-16 are "Live At A Day of Death 1990"
Tracks 1-17, 2-6, 2-14 originally performed by Napalm Death.